Rewriting our future one day at a time to make life sweeter. It's a wonderfully, terrifyingly, exciting feeling.... if only I could sneak in a nap first.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Booooooty's Callin'

I'm good with the weight I've gained over the past two years. My BMI is good, the bra size has increased (yay!) and I'm becoming accustomed to the few curves. Stick Girl for most of my life actually looks "healthy" as my late grandpa would say. Problem is.... seems my derriere has become quite the panty muncher and it's making me crazzzzy! My originally bikini positioned panties are quickly becoming thongs. And thongs, shesh! It's a sad sight when the back triangle is only halfway to its intended position and forget about comfort! So, off to buy new roos I went and quickly hit the brakes. Skreeeech!!!!.... Question to pose:

Where can a woman find fun, quality panties that don't cost both butt checks AND aren't granny panties?!?

Have you recently stepped into a Victoria's Secret? When did they change their market strategy/target audience to teenagers? I'm a big fan of their "Cheeky, Cheekier, Cheekiest (but I pass on the latter) line but the design pattern and color choices clearly cater to early college students as the oldest. I feel like a "wannabe" just browsing through looking for sophisticated fun. Waaaay back on a few rounders you will find simple, plain cotton bikinis... borrrring. Oh unless, you want a little class, then another rounder has a few 3/$30 panties that are cut sexier but don't stay put. I've been here, there, everywhere quite like my panties in search of comfort. Alas, I will continue the tireless search, readjusting the garments covering my booty until I either find what I'm looking for (and reasonably priced) or wave the white flag and just starting going commando.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Quote Time!

The quote whore in me had to share this from Alice Abrams:

"In life as in the dance, grace glides on blistered feet."
    **Note to self, my life still needs a pedicure.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Note to Self....

I have an entire bathroom drawer jammed full of lotions and smell goods rarely used. I decided it was time to exploit their splendid scents even if I share them with no one else for the day. After showering I lotioned up, found the corresponding spray and pssshh, pssshh, pssshh- sprayed it circling around my front side, neck and around and down. Whooooo hooooo hoooo... OH MY!!! Certain freshly shaved areas don't appreciate an alcohol based spray. HOOOOLY mother of pearl, y'ouch!!! I didn't know smelling so good could burn so bad!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Drop the H

Ever notice how whine and wine sound exactly the same but are at opposing ends of your mood spectrum? Keep the H in happiness and out of your wine!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Roooad Trip

I'm taking a much needed partial-break from reality next week and will be beach bound. I say "partial-break" because my two munchkins will be in tow. The challenge will be to actually get there with as little drama as possible. For the 630 miles each way, I'm working on a list of things for them to do. So far I've have coloring books, "I spy" games, and a dual screen DVD player I'm borrowing from a seasoned traveler friend with little hellions as well. Did I mention this movie player has headphone jacks?!? Ahhh, thank ya Jesus!

While my kids are enjoying their entertainment, I will be upfront with my iPod and my 6-disc car CD changer. I've reserved two slots for kiddie CDs that I can somewhat tolerate. But the other four positions are alllll mine. Each CD will have a theme and here's the breakdown:

Happy, Sappy, Rocky, Cocky

Sounds good to me. Happy- feel good, life is great music. Sappy- songs that string the chords in my heart. I plan on playing this minimally. Rocky- ya gotta love a bit of hairband magic and a few screaming guitars. I may have to curtail my normal singing at the top of my lungs to keep the natives in the backseat calm. Cocky- get up and dance, I'm the shihitz... ya know, those songs you don't actually own up to knowing.

So that's the plan. And if the three of us go absolutely mad together in the car, I will do my best to convince my friend in the car ahead to swap kids for a little while. Musical car seats. I hope it works. Either way, it will be worth every whining moment to sit on the beach, "take it all in" and let the tide take away my troubles. Can't wait. No, really I CAN'T wait. Sooo ready to lose myself for a while!


Just wanted to share something I heard the other day.

I know that smile.
I miss that smile.
I want to kiss the lips that make that smile.
I want to wake up everyday to that smile.
I want to kiss that smile goodnight every night.

How's that saying go.... Smile because you never know who's falling in love with it. I think that's it. This reminded me to let that frown go.