Rewriting our future one day at a time to make life sweeter. It's a wonderfully, terrifyingly, exciting feeling.... if only I could sneak in a nap first.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


My dear, sweet, ever-so-loving little boy was sitting at the kitchen counter this evening. His 5 yr old chin so delicately resting on his hand when he inquisitively asked: "Mom are you fat?"

I looked up ever-so-shocked and retorted, "No, I'm not fat! Why would you ask me that?"

And he responded ever-so-matter-of-factly, "Well, you don't LOOK fat but your butt sure is getting bigger. Haha." (And yes, he actually said "Haha" instead of laughing.)

And I ever-so-stated, "Go to your room.... And stop looking at mommy's behind."

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